lunes, 4 de agosto de 2014

Vibremos en la Frecuencia del Amor ¡¡

Vibremos en la frecuencia de la Paz ¡ Pidamos Paz ¡ Si a la Paz en tu corazón, en tu alma, en tu hogar , entu entorno, en la Tierra PAZ¡¡
The Power of Consciousness w/ Dr. Masaru Emoto
Wednesday August 6 at 7 pm

“The glass is always half full,” “just stay positive right now,” and “mind over matter” are phrases that we often hear as we confront the challenges of our daily lives. With so many authors writing new books regarding the benefits of cultivating a positive mindset, it seems that advocating for optimism is becoming a greater part of our social interactions.

The Zohar, an over 2,000 year old biblical text from which The Kabbalah Centre derives its wisdom, teaches that our consciousness directly alters what we see around us, and that our thoughts change matter on a molecular level. In 1999, Dr. Masaru Emoto concluded from a series of experiments that kind words and evil speech both change the molecular structure of water. Just think: If our bodies are made up of over 70% water, then our thoughts and words certainly have a profound effect on our physical being.

Dr. Emoto’s discoveries align with what we teach at The Kabbalah Centre: That we exist in a universe determined by consciousness, and, that if we come to believe in this truth and harness the power of this truth, we can change the experience of our lives.

Join us for a special evening exploring the power of consciousness with guest speaker Dr. Masaru Emoto, best-selling author of Messages from Water and the Universe, as seen in the film “What The Bleep Do We Know?” on August 6 at 7 pm.

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